Tag Archives: Sam Borelli

Why Walking WeHo is Wonderful…..

Here’s a snippet of why I love my (unconventional) life and why Walking WeHo has it’s advantages.  One week:

Saturday, April 9 – while finishing up a breakfast meeting at Hugo’s with the amazing Team from The Buddy System, get flagged over to chat for a few minutes (complete with hug) with one of my new favorite people, John A. Perez, the smart and talented Speaker of the California Assembly.  Yeah, that’s right.

Sunday, April 10 – honored to be on the Judges panel of the Miss Queen USA Pageant with amazingly beautiful transgender contestants.  Get seated next to the hilarious Maria Roman who stars in Wild Things on Showtime.

Monday, April 11 – Chair the televised meeting of the City of West Hollywood Public Safety Commission.

Tuesday, April 12 – A full day (12 hours) of working with the amazing team producing LA PRIDE.

Wednesday, April 13 – Barge in on Ru Paul‘s breakfast meeting to discuss some opportunities.   He, told me, to send her a She Mail.  (Ooh Girl!)

Thursday, April 14 – Post on Facebook about the use of the F word by an LA Laker (no name here, yuck) and among those that comment on my post, one of my heroes who changed my life, Mr. Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN and now Assistant Deputy Secretary of Safe & Drug Free Schools for the US Dept of Education.  (yah, huh!)   Later a quick dash into Marix for a “walking homo drink” brings face time with some of my favs including; Miss Misty Cooper, 1/2 of the genius behind Yogurt Stop; Mister Jeffrey “the Huff” Huffer, man of all things Economic Development for the City of WeHo; Madame Lynn LeMay, needs no intro; and sweet Nelson, Server Extraordinaire (and former MA resident) at the Cafe D’Etoile.  These folks were all there separately, for the record.

Friday, April 15 – Running late afternoon/early evening errands in The Village (I don’t, and won’t, call it Boystown), and Romper-Bomper-Stomper-Boo I see; Keith Hoffman, Some of the Trevor Project Boys, David McFarland, Sean McManus, Chris Hernandez, and then the Cafe D boys, Randy Medina,  Sean Chandler, Kent Wilson, Tom Roush, among others.

Saturday, April 16 – Off to the office to work on the magazine and Ru Paul waves and shouts good morning.  Walking back later end up walking (weho) with WeHo City Councilmember, Jeff Prang.

And this is why one of the titles being kicked around for my book is Tales of a Fortieth Grade Something.   Life is interesting.

Borelli stars in the NOH8 Campaign

Okay well maybe co-stars.   Along with a team from Christopher Street West / LA PRIDE, I recently was able to participate in a NOH8 campaign photo shoot.  Adam is a genius and Jeff is amazing.  What started out as a personal reaction to the passage of Proposition 8 has turned into a global, and visually stunning, reminder that Equality will be achieved when we show who we are.  Check out all of their work at NOH8 Campaign.  And to see all the Christopher Street West photos click on that photo to join the Facebook Fan Page.

Walking WeHo Visits Vegas

Yup, I got my passport, shots, law enforcement credentials and hit Las Vegas last weekend with the B-Man, Sean (Cupcake), David (Creampuff), and Mike (Man of Knowledge).  First stop was to visit the new AMAZING City Center.  It was stunning!  It, hopefully, will bring Las Vegas a whole new clientele and maybe bring back some of those that dropped off the Vegas scene.  Check it out for yourself.  Here is the one, and only, human snapshot of our Vegas weekend.  It remains, what happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas!

Walking WeHo Visits Vegas! City Center is the backdrop!

We did miss Miss Kitty so much that I played her game!

I played with Miss Kitty's Buttons!

Doing Fine at Year Nine in WeHo

Nine years ago yesterday I landed in West Hollywood!  I like to tell people that I was just a young ingenue (of 32) with dreams of a better life.  Well, sort of. 


I know that I shocked my friends and family.  My Mother reminded me today that she still hasn’t given me her permission to move.  I also remember that I made a 3-ring, tabbed, color-coded binder to keep my move organized.  I grew up in Newton, MA and spent most of my life in and around the city.  I was definitely a neighborhood kind of guy back then.  For many years I lived in Newtonville, one of Newton’s 13 villages, and didn’t own a car for seven of those years.  I frequented all the local shops and restaurants and was even dubbed, the Mayor of Newtonville

It was a challenge to pick up, leaving a job of seven years, my family, lifelong friends, my local claim to fame.  One sister, in fact,  was in denial.  I had only visited WeHo once, about a month prior.  You see, my BF at the time was given a great job opp and I decided to “give it a go.”  Go West!  With great friends, family, and co-workers came, I think four, great going away parties. 

West Hollywood was a huge change for Suburban Sam.  This was the big city.  And I only knew two people, the (now former) BF and Mr. Byron Bush, who lived in Long Beach.  I had no idea how far away LB was.  Fortunately, I acclimated quickly.  I learned my way around, found some hot spots, became a regular on Friday night’s dancing at Pop Stars and quickly made friends.  And I soon loved WeHo.  I could walk anywhere.  I had everything I needed right here; restaurants, shops, groceries, dance clubs, coffee shops, places to exercise, all the comforts.  I was once again, Mister Neighborhood.


So many milestones in nine years.  So many lessons too.  Some losses, including my beloved Grandparent’s.  Some gains, a couple more godsons (and I still haven’t changed a diaper).  Volunteering for, and then joining the Board of Directors of, The Trevor Project, changed my life.  Becoming a Public Safety Commissioner for the City of West Hollywood has brought many rewarding experiences.  Both have given me lifelong lessons, personal growth, and true friendships (I would list some but if I miss anyone I am sure to get in trouble.  You know who you are).  And, the B-Man, who has survived with me longer than any other man.  I am fortunate that I remain in contact with some of my besties in Newton, including Michele, who I met, and married, on the first day of kindergarten.  And Jess, my lesbian gay-boy. 

It’s great to remember where you were, who you were, when major milestones happened in your life.  The plan was to give it a shot in West Hollywood for a year and see how it goes.  It’s going.  I remember about three months into it I was flying back in from MA and thought, as we were landing, I am glad that I am home, I am glad that I am home.  The nine years have not been without tough times but there have been many more people, places, and things that have brought joy to outweigh the challenges.  As I say often, I have been blessed.  And this past year has brought some endings and a few new beginnings that have been great.  Thanks to all those that have been part of my nine year journey.  I couldn’t have done it without you.  I look forward to the next nine.  2018 here I come! 


Marriage Equality = Cash for CA

Sixty-three million, eight-hundred thousand dollars!  A study conducted by the Williams Institue at UCLA School of Law estimates that over the next three years the California economy will benefit by $63, 800,000 from marriage equality through weddings, tourism, and jobs creation.  When you are talking to your allies in the community you may want to remind them of this economic bonus in addition to supporting equal rights for all.  http://www.law.ucla.edu/williamsinstitute/home.html



Hello (WeHo) World!

Welcome to Walking West Hollywood (WeHo).  I’ll keep you posted on the sites, sounds, and happenings around the town.  Sometimes I go outside the city but for the most part I am walking the streets (hey, hey now).  I know the shops, the restaurants, the cruisy spots, the clubs (which night) and the best darn yogurt in town.  I’ll let you know what, when, where, how, why, and who.  Celebrity sightings?  We got ’em.  And I mean A-list, to Gay-list.  As I am building this site you will see it grow with new design, photo’s, on-scene video posts, and more.  So make me one of your favorites (you’ll be one of mine) and I will keep you in the loop.  I’m Sam Borelli and I approved this post.

It's me...

It's me..